Life energy

 We are surrounded by energy. The natural world can restore us to sanity. I walk though the forest at my house. The light dapples through the trees. The mist glistens on the emerald leaves. Life surrounds me.  The love dove coos. Another responds. Coo coo. The chickadee says hoo ha. The wood pecker beats the dead tree with his beak. rat a tat tat.  I see deer, rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks and occasionally the bear. The turkeys trot though the yard cautiously. Twice we have seen a bobcat and a few times a coyote. Mr. Fox scurries about in the night. The world here is alive and so am I.

Last night we had all the windows and the big doors open in the dojo. There was a quick storm. The thunder rumbled and the lightning flashed. The rain poured down. The air was muggy and hot. I was sweating before we started moving. At the end of class, after the storm, we were hot and sticky but it was cooler. The air felt fresh.

Again, Aikido had cleaned me up from the inside out just as the thunderstorm had cleared the air.


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