10 ways my life is enhanced by Aikido training.

 I will be sixty five in a month. I just did an aikido class and finished by doing big rolls. I am astounded that I can do big rolls, fall easily and move the way I do. Aikido training for the last 35 years has enhanced my life in many ways.

Here are 10 examples of how my life is made better by my training.

1. The movement of uke and nage feels like heaven here on earth.

2. Each class clears negativity out of me.

3. Endorphins are awakened in me through the physicality of class.

4. I am reminded each class that I can't change others but I can change myself. Uke moves more easily with nage when they are not forced but encouraged.

5. The exchange of ki energy makes me alive and happy.

6. I feel joyful in class and after.

7. I am reminded not to take myself too seriously.

8. I am reminded that I am not a victim and I have choices.

9.  I share a language of movement with others. This make me feels special and included in the flow of things.

10. I learn something new every class.

I could keep going but I will stop now. I am grateful for my training and people that show up to train with us. 

I hope you all have something fun that makes you feel connected to the universe and thrilled to be alive.



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