What’s the point?

I had just showed a lovely video regarding our dojo to a work mate of mine.  And she said, “What’s the point? I was flabbergasted. I had no words for her. This was a women who had moved to the Berkshires from across the country, fleeing from the love of her life (her words, not mine) who had blackened both of her eyes. She had 2 beautiful teen age sons whose every move was dictated by her and an ex-husband that she hated just on general principles.

Now that I have had some time to think, here is my answer to her: The point of Aikido training: It is not okay for people to hit you. Someone that hits you does not love you. When we exert our will over people they grow to resent us. And no one deserves to hate any one. The hatred poisons us not them.
In aikido we learn to let things happen, to reconcile with conflict and to accept things as they are. We learn to be truthful with ourselves and with others. Our sense of humor increases. Peace develops in us and then radiates from us as we practice simple principles and movements. The techniques are not difficult but they involve another person so we learn not to force but to let. This helps us relax and take life easy.

I know, now, that the only person I can move or change is me. My life is so much simpler and calmer. I love the now, the people and accept the circumstances of my life.  I no longer have to waste a second of time or a smidgen of energy hating, running or controlling. And that is the point.


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