Just be yourself they said.

After years of being whom I thought I needed to be to please others I had no self to be.
I am learning who I am by paying attention to how I feel and what I think.

I stop and listen to my thoughts as they pass through. I sit in whatever I am feeling, name the feeling and then release it. In the past I tried to perceive what would keep me safe or what would make you like me. I would act however I could to create that reality.

As I became aware that those coping behaviors were keeping me stuck, I still resisted change. It was scary. I didn’t know if I changed if there would be anyone behind the mask. Now I accept change after I become aware of the need to change and then I practice small actions to become healthier.
These days I embrace this new adventure of seeing who I am, how I feel, what I think and what I choose. If someone advises me to, just be myself, I inwardly say, okay, and step into another opportunity to learn more about my good friend, me.


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