Dojo is closed. What next?

For Ron and I this is not an issue. We have someone to train with and a place to do it.

Here are some suggestions you might not have thought of for solo practice.

Check out Berkshire Hills Aikido on Facebook and Instagram for some Ki exercises and bokken practice. We will posting short videos to give you ideas.

Do your ki exercises at least once a day. Use a short sword for indoor practice or train outside with bokken and jo. Don't break the lights or furniture. :)

Practice techniques with an invisible uke. For example, respond to a yokemen attack with a yokemen retreat then go into kokyu nage or shi ho nage. pay attention to your footwork. Are you doing nice dramatic steps or tiny baby steps? Lol.

Practice small rolls on a softish surface. Extend ki though a person if you are getting annoyed with them. Remember that we can only feel our feelings. Uke's contribution is a gift.

Close your eyes and remember details of what you wre just looking at.

Do a mind visual practice.. Pick an attack such as shomen and see how many throws you can come up with. I find visual mind practice to be very relaxing.

Remember to accept, blend and connect.

I would love to hear about your solo training on this site or on Facebook or Instagram.


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