How does aikido change me?

Question: How does aikido change me?

Answer: Just the act of stepping out on the mat with an open mind begins the process.
For example:  Nage says: “When uke grabs me like that I can’t move.” Sensei then shows us how to move when we are grabbed like that. We move what we can. Ourselves. We don’t move what we can’t…someone else. Our moving changes the relationship between us. Harmony is re-established through the process.  The process creates a feeling in both uke and nage of peacefulness that they can pass along to others.

Out in the real life dojo the same thing can happen. Me: “So and so makes me feel (insert a feeling word here such as angry, frustrated, happy…)”.  Then I get to look at the lie that I just thought. So and so can’t make me feel anything. My feelings come from my own judgments and thoughts and desires:  things I can change. So if conversations or experiences with so and so make me feel  (again insert your feeling word of choice) I can choose how I want to respond.

Aikido gives us the tools to look at what we can change, ourselves. Aikido offers us the opportunity to take responsibility for every word we say and every action we make. Aikido is the truth. Our training takes away our ability to deceive ourselves and others. Aikido strips us down to the bare essentials of you and of me and what we can change. I can change me and you can change you. Once we experience that truth we will always be in question.  Hang on for the ride.


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