
Showing posts from 2009

Holiday season

I am finding the holiday spirit quite interesting this year. My personal spirituality is of the universal light. Such a simple statement, yes it is true. How can such a thing as spirituality be described in a simple statement? I question that myself. For one, there is the individual perspective of spirituality. Then, of course, as one has an idea about spirituality, it may happen to be of a particular group perspective. Some beliefs may be of a group that has more followers than others, or less followers than others or there may be non-believers(or antagonists to societal norms). I feel that those that wish to chose what they believe, how they believe, or whether or not to believe is entirely up to the individual. I have had religion, belief and worship in my life. It started when I was very young and has continued (sporadically) until this day. Along the road I have questioned everything as it has been portrayed to me. This is normal to me and I accept it as so. Although the practic...

both of uke's hands

on my right arm...oh, no... what to do?!? anything i want. ;o)

Happy Holidays

Happy and Healthy holiday season to all. Thanks for the memories of the past year and looking forward to the next year with all of you.


This year, as usual, has just flown by in a blink of an eye. I think back to were I was last year this time, wondering where life may lead me. An important concept to ponder as I am writing these words. Wondering where life may lead me. Does life really lead me anywhere? Or, is it my view or perception of life that reveals whether or not I am being lead or whether I am doing the leading. Last year, without direction, life lead me. Why was I without direction? Because I didn't know how to lead myself in a positive way. As I have diligently practiced Aikido for the last 12 months, I have begun to discover that I can lead myself along this path, or that path as it may be. The point being, that I can now chose which path I may take. How do I chose what path I take? In some moments, I feel that the path is there for me to take and the choice is mine, whereas, other moments reveal that the choice may not be mine and there is something guiding me along the way. What does this mean to me? ...

teaching a class

is like throwing an uke...offering, accepting,waiting and blending. Enjoying the ride letting go of the results.

how to relax

do you know how? "RELAX" he said. i got tenser. i relaxed after i believed i wasn't relaxed. there is the question again...? i can relax. Now.

Be Still

Winter’s cold and darkness closes in. The days growing shorter as the earth tilts our hemisphere away from the sun. The house is buttoned up against the fierce New England winds. Cold and dark like a cave, a den. I am feeling like that hibernating creature these days. Quiet time... time to be still. Even my aikido is entering stillness right now. It is like I am taking a slight pause, other things are calling me right now, but aikido is never far. Not on the mat as much as am used to. I do indeed feel the absence. This winter will bring adventure and travel too, but that is later and already the earth will begin her journey back to spring. Now is time to look within। In Norse mythology this was the time of Isa. I have had a set of runes for many years and thought I’d share with you some aspects that I am exploring. Isa is associated with the rhime-giants, the Hrimthursar and the wisdom of age। Ice can be considered "static" as many do, however, ice whether one is speaking of ...

the dance class

that i watched today was eye opening...there is so much to learn and let go of...Someone once told me: "that to become a great teacher I should learn something new very I could remember what it feels like to be a beginner"...hence the dance class!

kata tori shiho nage tenkan

What a challange! I got to watch frustration and blaming and impatience till I was willing to let go... Finally, I was free to focus on the technique... I had such fun... peace overcame me...

holiday schedule



is my I relax into my roll...mat holds firm as I glide over his smooth surface...each muscle, bone and tendon synchronizing in a gentle circle...

correct distance

matters so much....taken for's lost revisited it's found... correct distance again....

listening from my center

I pay complete attention to the speaker, letting words flow over me with no comment or judgement...I accept what is and move on... Can we give a greater gift than listening from our center?


I am so very grateful for our dojo and our community and for Ron, Sensei. Have a happy peaceful holiday...there is class on Saturday, Nov 28 and Sunday, Nov 29 of this week.


So many! Good ones, too. Where is my center at this moment....deeps breaths restore me. Class tommorow morning.

Just a thought

The virtue of perfection is that it is always just beyond a persons reach . This is a good thing ,if perfection were attainable then it would have no value, there would be no reason to train and pursue it.

missing class

I missed class today because I was sick. I could hear the door open and happy people entering. I heard water running and the toilet flushing as people prepared for class. I fell back asleep until again the door opened. I could hear feet on the stairs and warm voices talking. I felt part of still...because I have a dojo at my house.

new ideas

When I disagreed with someone, my default was to assume I was wrong. I would feel shame for having popped my head up to be noticed. Today, I know I don't have to make another person wrong for me to be right. It just doesn't matter. In the end, all that matters to me is how do I feel and whether I lose my center...Yes, I sure do and it comes right back.

still water

In stillness the pond is moving.


Back at home for a while. My gi bag is unpacked new t-shirts admired Flowers put in vase, sweet card read, certificate resting on the table…. I can’t help but smile. Today was a special day, but it was also just a day. A day of moving and exploring, a day of love shared, and of recognition of our aikido journeys; a day that carried such significance for me. And it was just a day in many. Sun-shining, seasons changing… there unto itself and along with everything else, I noticed the “day” itself. I appreciated it in its own grandness beyond what was happening for me. Oh how lovely to be alive and part of this day’s greatness. Beyond my own, but shared along with so many other beautiful people. Each and every one of you is amazing and to have so many together in one place… well that is immeasurable, inspiring, and humbling. Today I was able to share with cherished friends on and off the mat my love and passion for this art, which is as much about who we are as what we are doing. What rea...

letting it happen

letting things be leave them alone receive and blend lessons that keep coming I am willing to learn to judge not and accept discern let and let again
It is some times amazing to me , that we can learn so much but no so little in are own quest of learning and perfecting our techniques in the art of aikido.It is very nice to have a technique develope and blend with your uke to the point of not having to use very little energy. The technique is just nice and smooth and clean.

peaceful pond

horizon-tal turn... a peaceful pond vertical sweep... a peaceful pond inner sactum restored...again!

it hurt neck was out just a little and it made my whole body hurt.... A couple of weeks ago Ron did a great throw and I met the mat sooner than I expected...the bell rang. I knew that I could take a good fall. I did bounce. Last Saturday, I was waiting for my balance to be taken. My nage got more tense. I felt that bad feeling of when you know it's more than a passing ouchie! All week was touchie ...then I awoke with a severe headache and a cordy neck. Ron did a little Kiaistu ...I could feel the pop. Later in the day Heidi, my Chiropractor Extraordinare completed the fix. Off to the river to throw away my fears and then home to write about parental forgiveness....I really love the process. The physical pain is just my body showing me that the progress is upon me!

Tenkan or Tenk...

Tenkan is by far my go to move...I love the feel. The turn creates drama and effect. Why do nages deprive themselves of this wonderful feeling? boring, ineffective...listless even. Uke gets to rest and lean and just overpower users of tenk.... What is tenk you ask? It is a little over half of tenkan. Tenk is that pitiful move that so many do when they could be doing tenkan...rather than sweep their foot in a dramatic circle creating space and energy for themselves and their uke they turn a little and then back peddle. Ukes moves in… settles down and nage feels frustrated and overridden. Why? Because nage is overridden…Uke is not resisting…Uke is resting… Why? Because by doing tenk nage has provided a perfect place to rest! Most people do a beautiful tenkan without an uke...then uke attacks and they revert to that horrible tenk.... Let us praise tenkan!…Dare to let go of tenk…and rejoice in tenkan!

Relax How?

Uke strikes shomen...I enter... then gently do fulton nage...never pushing... never pulling... simply blending with my uke who strikes shomen...

It's Time to Clean the Dojo!

Class starts in about an hour and a half. Now I get to go clean the dojo. Thank you, universe!

Entering From My Center...

Entering from my center can be a challenge. The attack was tsuki with a bokken…the defense… just a turn of the bokken with a slight irimi. My center came up most times I was attacked. I felt a slight movement backwards…hardly seen but felt by me. After class I asked Ron to attack me until I could enter and turn my bokken without flinching. Without moving back …without moving my feet…or just my head …oh so slight. By the time we left I could enter, turn my bokken and my center stayed down. My first step was asking for help…then I could acknowledge how rattled I was. Now, I am looking forward till class tomorrow when I get to do it again…a little stronger and less afraid.

Seeking Connection

This morning I realized my resistance to competitive testing for one point was because of basketball. When I played in college it was really fun because I was good and so were they. The connection that was created was so real I can still experience it in my memory. As we defended together in a 1- 3- 1 zone our team moved liked birds when they all decide to fly and turn at once. Our offense moved into a fast break off the defensive rebound like we practiced it a million times... which we did. The only downer about college basketball was that all that connection didn't matter to most of us if we lost. If one team got more points than we did everything sucked. I couldn't understand that then but I do now. Most people are focused on winning...I could care less. I am interested in connection...that incredible feeling of mind body coordination that happens when 2 or more people move together in the flow. That is why I love is a perfect venue for an athlete like me who lov...


Hi Folks, this blog is for you to post your Aikido related thoughts, opinions and ideas. I've sent out an invite to people whose email addresses I have. If you know of anyone else who might be interested in posting please send me their email addresses and I'll invite them to become contributors. Looking forward to what everyone has to say. Ron