
Showing posts from December, 2009

Holiday season

I am finding the holiday spirit quite interesting this year. My personal spirituality is of the universal light. Such a simple statement, yes it is true. How can such a thing as spirituality be described in a simple statement? I question that myself. For one, there is the individual perspective of spirituality. Then, of course, as one has an idea about spirituality, it may happen to be of a particular group perspective. Some beliefs may be of a group that has more followers than others, or less followers than others or there may be non-believers(or antagonists to societal norms). I feel that those that wish to chose what they believe, how they believe, or whether or not to believe is entirely up to the individual. I have had religion, belief and worship in my life. It started when I was very young and has continued (sporadically) until this day. Along the road I have questioned everything as it has been portrayed to me. This is normal to me and I accept it as so. Although the practic...

both of uke's hands

on my right arm...oh, no... what to do?!? anything i want. ;o)

Happy Holidays

Happy and Healthy holiday season to all. Thanks for the memories of the past year and looking forward to the next year with all of you.


This year, as usual, has just flown by in a blink of an eye. I think back to were I was last year this time, wondering where life may lead me. An important concept to ponder as I am writing these words. Wondering where life may lead me. Does life really lead me anywhere? Or, is it my view or perception of life that reveals whether or not I am being lead or whether I am doing the leading. Last year, without direction, life lead me. Why was I without direction? Because I didn't know how to lead myself in a positive way. As I have diligently practiced Aikido for the last 12 months, I have begun to discover that I can lead myself along this path, or that path as it may be. The point being, that I can now chose which path I may take. How do I chose what path I take? In some moments, I feel that the path is there for me to take and the choice is mine, whereas, other moments reveal that the choice may not be mine and there is something guiding me along the way. What does this mean to me? ...

teaching a class

is like throwing an uke...offering, accepting,waiting and blending. Enjoying the ride letting go of the results.

how to relax

do you know how? "RELAX" he said. i got tenser. i relaxed after i believed i wasn't relaxed. there is the question again...? i can relax. Now.

Be Still

Winter’s cold and darkness closes in. The days growing shorter as the earth tilts our hemisphere away from the sun. The house is buttoned up against the fierce New England winds. Cold and dark like a cave, a den. I am feeling like that hibernating creature these days. Quiet time... time to be still. Even my aikido is entering stillness right now. It is like I am taking a slight pause, other things are calling me right now, but aikido is never far. Not on the mat as much as am used to. I do indeed feel the absence. This winter will bring adventure and travel too, but that is later and already the earth will begin her journey back to spring. Now is time to look within। In Norse mythology this was the time of Isa. I have had a set of runes for many years and thought I’d share with you some aspects that I am exploring. Isa is associated with the rhime-giants, the Hrimthursar and the wisdom of age। Ice can be considered "static" as many do, however, ice whether one is speaking of ...

the dance class

that i watched today was eye opening...there is so much to learn and let go of...Someone once told me: "that to become a great teacher I should learn something new very I could remember what it feels like to be a beginner"...hence the dance class!

kata tori shiho nage tenkan

What a challange! I got to watch frustration and blaming and impatience till I was willing to let go... Finally, I was free to focus on the technique... I had such fun... peace overcame me...

holiday schedule



is my I relax into my roll...mat holds firm as I glide over his smooth surface...each muscle, bone and tendon synchronizing in a gentle circle...

correct distance

matters so much....taken for's lost revisited it's found... correct distance again....