
MInd of ?

  The idea of defeating the mind of contention that we harbor within is taking on new meaning to me. It could be a practice of acceptance and compassion rather than a battle of wills. What if I embrace all the parts of me and you…the anger, fear, and frustration as well as the joy, patience and tenderness? What if I am flawed and perfect just like you? Are we separate?  Or are we all joined in synchronicity and energy…moving, whirling, sometimes in unison, sometimes in disarray,  heading in the direction of peacefulness? 

108 Meditation on Jan 2.

 On Tuesday January 2, 2024, we will usher in the new year with a 108 meditation. Each student picks one technique that they will do their whole turn. The number of throws will be determined by the total number of people in class. We will practice in silence except for the chimes of the bowl.  Our intention is for a healthy, happy new year with plenty of robust, lively training. 

Sporting freely with weapons.

  I have been training with weapons more of late. Using one Escrima stick while I walk in the morning helps me stretch and strike.   My walk is enhanced by upper body movement. After the walk I feel enlivened and happy. When I first started using weapons in my Aikido training, I felt awkward. I was used to baseball bats and brooms.   As I trained, I learned set katas which helped me become more comfortable. I practiced diligently and learned all the katas on both sides so I could do them easily and teach them to others. When Ron switched his training up and started teaching spontaneous short katas I was confused and frustrated. His idea was that students would be more relaxed if we weren’t trying to do a kata perfectly. He was bored with set routines. It took me quite a while to let go of my attachment to the katas I had worked so hard to learn and perfect. I felt angry and discouraged. It seemed to me like I had been wasting my time. As I reflect on this journey, I see that no

Staying with myself.

 Fall is such a great name for a beautiful season. We fell a lot in class today. I had an interesting experience. Ron had us do many movements without falling. He then had us just blend with yokemens. His idea was to move and flow. When I did an abrupt entering movement, he said “No, do more blending. Less confrontation.”   I kept moving but noticed that I started to feel queasy and tired. Then I noticed that I was near tears. He then told us to get bokkens. I had to sit and rest for a minute. When Ron asked what the matter was, I told him I was feeling queasy and tired. That helped me feel a little better. I got up and practiced the short bokken kata he demonstrated. After class I still felt a little queasy. I told Ron and Dora that I thought I was doing the technique correctly and when I found out that I was not, I was very hard on myself. Ron assured me that I was doing fine but he wanted me to flow more. I told him I understood but that sometimes my hearer is broken. I hear words l

Just keep moving.

  Aikido training when I feel deeply upset is a challenge. I accept.  I have the disease of alcoholism. Some mornings I wake up feeling fine. Other times I wake up to a voice in my head telling me I am a terrible person and not worthy of being alive. No matter which way I wake up, I have a set practice that I do, no matter how I feel or what my brain has to say.   Yesterday we heard from a family member that he was very disappointed in us and was choosing not to be in a relationship with Ron and me.  I felt very sad and frustrated because I know that saying or doing anything will not change another person. I slept poorly as my mind poured over all my wrong doings over many years.  I felt heavy and discouraged this morning.  I prayed as I do every morning. I asked for help, then got up and acted like a woman who has asked for help.  I found one aikido thought: keep moving. I got up, got dressed, did my bathroom stuff, and went upstairs to see how Ron was doing. I listened while he talke

Merry Sunday

I love this time of year. I celebrate my mom's and my gram's passing around advent. My mom died the day after Christmas and my gram 2 weeks before. Not the same year. My mom died 5 years after my Gram. Now they are my Winter angels. I love amd miss them even though it is 32 and 37 years ago.  Advent means coming or arrival. It helps us get ready for the return of the light. This year I embraced the darkness and focused on deep healing. I feel the wonder the season and the potential of more healing to come. Part of Aikido training is to accept what is and blend with it. I have been able to do that with help of my Holy Mother this year. It is such a better way to experience the world. People do what they do because of where they are in their own healing process. I am learning to love and accept my loved ones no matter what.  I let go of who I was to become who I can be. 

Holiday season

 Since the holidays can be emotionally tricky, Ron and I decided to have informal classes on Zoom at our regular time. We meet at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, Thursday and at 10 AM on Saturday. We train for a half hour starting with ki exercises and then, light practice. So far, we have been joined by a couple of students each time. We are committed to train even if no one else shows up. Aikido is a destresser for both of us.  The holidays seem more like holy days this year. Our Aikido training is helping with the transition of being in the wonder of the season instead of wondering what the heck is going on within our extended family. See ya on Zoom.